General Surgery

Medical or surgical conditions such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis, gallbladder or renal stones, abdominal abscess, fluid or abnormal air in lungs required drainage or evacuation are all very common situations which are sometimes developed suddenly or gradually. They could cause a moment when we need to decide to proceed with intervention or delay them. In that scenario, patients and their families are sometimes stuck in a grey area. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, people pay a lot of money for surgeries and may lose confidence in the surgeons for the required necessity of the intervention. In those scenarios, we may require a general surgeon who can voluntarily advise us about the best clinical decision-making process. That would definitely create a trustworthy environment and understanding of the clinical condition, not only for the above but also a possible differential diagnosis, management line, and acute or elective surgical plans that could be discussed with the volunteer general surgeon.

We are lucky that we have such an excellent general surgeon in our team who is offering this great volunteer service.