Infection / COVID-19

Unfortunately we are living in the time of one of the biggest pandemics in modern history. At the moment, over 4.5 million innocent people have been affected and we have lost over 300,000 valuable lives. The situation is very critical since we do not have developed a good control over this pandemic yet. The only instrument we have in our hands are to avoid infection through social distancing and masks as well as gloves. The management is mostly supportive but we are trying at the moment anti thrombotic, antiviral like Remdesivir, Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine , Convalescent Plasma and Immunoglobulin and Interleukin – 6 Inhibitors like sarilumab, siltuximab and tocilizumab in / outside of the clinical trial AI/BI/AIII.

We have devoted physicians in our crew who are taking risks on their lives to help patients with COVID-19 complications in the hospital’s ICU setting. The families could provide advice/help with regards to expected outcomes of the ongoing situation, clinical complications, prognosis, and management through our experts.